Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Secret Santa for Seniors

Did you know there's an initiative in Victoria to give lonely elderly folks a little something over the holidays? A lot of different traditions have celebrations coming up, be they big or small, and most of them involve spending time with loved ones. This project, Secret Santa for Seniors, invites Victoria locals to give small gifts to some of the elderly members of our community who will be spending the holiday season alone. Memories of unity and gatherings can exacerbate feelings of loneliness, especially at this time of year. I know most students don't have a lot of financial freedom but if you have some wiggle-room, I encourage you to pass on some warmth and love in these cold December days.

Here's a link to the article where I found out about this project: 


At the bottom of the article there is a list the places where you can find the holiday wishes of some elderly locals. 


  1. This is so sweet! I've always done CFAX's Santa's Anonymous when I have some extra money, but now I want to do this too. Thanks for sharing, Tess!

  2. You're so welcome! The person I'm getting something for wants "cozy things" and it just melts my heart.
